I launched our #iamamodernfarmer campaign and contest, which benefited Farm Aid. Thanks to strategic organic and paid promotion, 915 users published 2,547 posts on Instagram and Twitter, resulting in 28.5 million+ social media impressions during my tenure. Link to:...
Along with a team of four activist volunteers, I helped co-launch and led marketing strategy, wrote site copy, and contributed to weekly campaigns for a daily newsletter, meant to spur action in a post-Trump era. Link to: https://www.repupnow.com/
Women Leaders in College Sports Rebrand
Immediately when hired at this 3,500-member association in 2016, I led the organization’s website site relaunch and organizational rebrand. Using a strategic guerrilla ambassador program and #WeAreWomenLeaders social media campaign, we launched the 40-year-old...
Better Homes & Gardens America’s Best Front Yard Contest
In 2019 and 2020, I collaborated with the BH&G print, marketing, digital, and sales to teams to launch the brand’s first cross-platform editorial franchise and contest, America’s Best Front Yard, #bhgbestfrontyard. In our first year, the tentpole program sold to a...